Challengers DepartmentNew English School

The Challengers Department offers a combination of counselling, guidance, special education and support for individual students with particular needs such as learning difficulties, educational gaps or language acquisition issues. Support is designed to facilitate learning and to ensure every child reaches his/her potential.

Because all students at NES have equal rights to education, we have expanded the challenger’s department and added a new wing with sensory paths and wall elements where a variety educational tools and gadgets are always available for the children. The visual display of these items stimulate children’s imagination, since they are always on show, representing by this a constant invitation to explore and play.

We also have:

• A large therapy room that is fully equipped for sensory gyms.
• Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) specialist, Flowtime DIR which is Developmental, Individual Difference Relationship-Based Model.
• Art therapy specialist.
• Swimming therapist.
• Occupational therapist (OT).
• Speech and language therapist for phonological training and auditory processing.
• Ratio teacher to student is 3:1.
• Two full time counsellors.

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